- Classroom management, Teaching methods

Classroom Management in a Secondary School

The most noticeable difference when moving away from a primary classroom lies in the behaviour of students of a secondary school which is more exaggerated and they can be more sensitive and argumentative at the same time. For every teacher, classroom management in secondary education is affected by the age range of the students but there are some principles of classroom management can be very effective. These principles include:

Having Clear and Realistic Expectations

Students in secondary schools are used to being taught various subjects by different teachers. As the students face different teaching methods they become accustomed to a wide range of teaching styles, rules and outlooks. As a teacher, it is essential to have very clear and achievable expectations from the time he first enters a classroom.

Communicating with Other Teachers

Teachers in secondary schools often develop poor communication among themselves. In order to reduce the classroom management issues, teachers dealing in secondary education must communicate with each other. A student behaving poorly during one teacher’s lesson may be doing so due to difference with a teacher teaching another subject. Discussing such matters will allow teachers to realise their mistakes or deficiencies in a classroom.

Being Self-assured

One very critical requirement for good classroom management in a secondary school setting is that the teacher should be extremely confident about his or hers subject. This helps to boost a teacher’s confidence in front of a class. Proper planning skills help to plan lessons and avoid last-minute preparations which might show the teacher as being anxious in front of the students.

Always Do a Follow-up

When teaching in a secondary school, classroom management is often made more difficult by the sheer number of students that are crammed in a single classroom. This makes it very difficult to keep track of issues like students bunking classes, skipping detentions and missing homework. Despite these problems, it is must to do a follow-up one one’s work for the day. This ensures realising things that were missed upon during the course of the day. Failing to do this guarantees a boost to the unruly behaviour in the class or the student’s respect for the teacher taking a severe dip.

Understanding Your Role

As an authoritative figure, the secondary school teachers should not just teach try and connect the concepts to examples from real life. The objective is not to produce geniuses but to help the student make informed decisions, become responsible and to think clearly. Secondary school education isn’t limited to the classroom and being a guiding influence to the students outside the realm of textbooks can help to connect better with the students.

The classroom management issues which a teacher faces in a secondary education environment are very different from the problems faced in a primary classroom. India education management system have passing through various issues like teaches requirement, teaching process in various levels i.e. secondary education, primary education, new education technique implementation and more.