COMMON CORE STANDARDS AND UNCOMMON CURSIVE How Eliminating Cursive and Replacing it with Keyboarding May Be Changing the Brain and…
Education in Third World
With the daily challenges posed by economic difficulty and other threats, governments in developing countries are working very hard to…
How to Organize a Classroom Debate
One activity that you can do in your class is to have a classroom debate. This is something that can…
Homeschool Curriculum – 3 Keys to Knowing Exactly What You Need
Most people who begin homeschooling think they need a huge amount of curriculum, books and resources. Having too many resources…
How Can Instructional Technology Make Teaching and Learning More Effective in the Schools?
In the past few years of research on instructional technology has resulted in a clearer vision of how technology can…
Disadvantages of an Examination Oriented Education System
Although kids may appear to be jumping and laughing all day, they also face the threat of stress. This can…
How to Keep From Feeling Overwhelmed As a Teacher
O.K., so you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to get prepared for a new year of teaching in the classroom. It doesn’t…
What is a Virtual School?
Public schools have joined the trend of providing distance education to people at different parts of the country. Virtual schools…
Recognizing Navigational Tools For the Future of Education
I have to laugh when I think of the times I watched the television program, “Flash Gordon,” as he putted…
The Needs – Focused Approach to Behaviour Management
Have you ever asked yourself why some teachers seem to be able to handle the difficult classes better than others,…