Parents who decide to home school their pre-school children have researched the value of teaching your own children at home.…
Teaching Tips – Using the 4 "P’s" of Powerful Teaching
Great teaching does not happen just because you show up to school. In order to be a great teacher, you…
Importance of Sports Facilities In School
Most schools in India avoid including sports education in their curriculum because most Indian schools are mainly academic centric. But…
Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Internationalization of Higher Education
The World Bank’s 1991 ‘World Development Report’ has made a very interesting observation that the scientific and technological progress and…
Ancient Indian Education and Ethics – Its Relevance Today
We are here to critically understand the relevance of Ancient Indian education system in the modern time. Has the modern…
Applied Presentation – Practice – Production (PPP) As an Approach in Teaching Grammar
“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” • Albert Einstein…
How to Get Any Student to Behave Well All of the Time
You probably love teaching–inspiring students, opening their minds, imparting knowledge–but there always seems to be that discipline issue hovering over…
New Syllabus 2005 – English Language For Secondary Schools, Form I – IV
INTRODUCTION Tanzania is among African countries, which right after independence started to take measures on education developments through policies formulation,…
Common Core Standards and Uncommon Cursive – How Keyboarding and Cursive Change the Learning Process
COMMON CORE STANDARDS AND UNCOMMON CURSIVE How Eliminating Cursive and Replacing it with Keyboarding May Be Changing the Brain and…
Education in Third World
With the daily challenges posed by economic difficulty and other threats, governments in developing countries are working very hard to…